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xquid's Avatar xquid
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
basically olkostano means "nice spot." it's a walled fort (at least 7m high) built next to a lake in the meadows with a small outlet leading to the ocean. the intention is to access it by boat, so the front gate is by a small dock. the gate opens into a long 17m tall entry hall which is attached to the outer wall. two front staircases lead to the wall's ramparts with an asymmetrical thatched canopy. these lead in either direction to rounded low turrets at the corners that offer large picture-window views of the lake.

the south turret is unfinished and the south courtyard still has the ruins of a small village. the north courtyard has a small forge, a vegetable bed, and an apiary. in the corner of the north courtyard is an inn with a 4-story lattice window in the shape of a gourd. the inn has two rooms to let, each with their own fireplace and chest.

the unfinished plan includes full enclosure of the outer wall with a residence in the southwest corner, and trails around the lake.
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