Valheim Articles / Tutorial

How to Remove or Adjust Deathsquito on a Valheim Server

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JP Valheim's Avatar JP Valheim
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lox
Hello Vikings!

Today we will learn how to adjust the deathsquito experience on your Valheim server. This tutorial covers how to use EWP to remove deathsquito, replace them with goblins, and more !

We will learn about the following EWP features:

1) How to use a create type to react to a prefab spawning for the first time
2) How to remove the original prefab
3) How to add a VFX
4) How to remove damage from the VFX
5) How to use bannedObjects
6) How to change the chance the script runs

All of this is done by editing a simple text file on the server that will show up after the Expand World Prefabs mod is installed and Valheim is launched for the first time. That file is called expand_prefabs.yaml

Script to remove deathsquito 40% of the time and show a lightning bolt to indicate to the player

Put below in expand_prefabs.yaml

- prefab: Deathsquito
type: create
- lightningAOE, 0,0,-2, 0,0,0, visualfx, 0
remove: true
weight: 0.4

Put below in expand_data.yaml

# No damage
- name: visualfx
- HasFields, 1
- Aoe.m_hitProps, 0
- HasFieldsAoe, 1
- Aoe.m_hitCharacters, 0

You can adjust the weight to change the percentage chance. 0.4 = 40%. 1= 100%

Download EWP:

Support Jere: (the creator of EWP)

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